Error: Revit cannot run external application "Librarian"....


There is nothing more frustrating than having a trusty tool you have been using all along suddenly stop working and throwing an obscure error. Fortunately, there is an easy fix.

Cause: Corruption of the Library database stored in the windows user profile. Changes in the windows security environment, updates, or installation of a new software may trigger this issue. The causes are not entirely clear.

Solution: The solution is to force the Librarian to create a brand new database library or delete the old database (*.db) files and restore them from a backup.

The database (*.db) files are located in the Roaming user profile %appdata%\Librarian\<YYYY>\_libdb\ folder. One can simply delete the folder or rename it so that the Librarian can re-create the folder when Revit is restarted again.